#!/bin/raykov to code or not to code...

My Password Manager

Password managers seem to be an area where too little effort has been put in. Maybe people don't want to trust all of their data to a single piece of software or they use the same password for all places. But the case is the same - I haven't found an application which suits my needs when it comes to private data storage.


I forgot to mention that I might be strange and everybody else could be happy with their managers.

Nevertheless here's how I solved my problem.


I had some requirements to the manager so the first thing to do was to list them:

  • I like sitting in the shell so it should be accessible from there
  • I'm very bad with UI so no sense in going there
  • It has to accept all kinds of data - passwords, credit card numbers etc.

It has to be quick to type and knows everything so I named it 42

Here it is:

# Check if I haven't forgotten to encrypt 42
if [[ -f ~/42.plain ]]; then
  echo "WARNING: 42 is unencrypted!"

42() {
  if [[ -f ~/42.enc ]]; then

encrypt_42() {
  local encryptOutput=$(openssl aes-256-cbc -in ~/42.plain -out ~/42.enc 2>&1)
  if [[ $encryptOutput == *"bad password read"* ]]; then
    echo "The passwords don't match."
    rm -f ~/42.enc
    rm -f ~/42.plain

decrypt_42() {
  local decryptOutput=$(openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in ~/42.enc -out ~/42.plain 2>&1)
  # Don't delete the encoded file if the password is wrong
  if [[ $decryptOutput == *"bad decrypt"* ]]; then
    echo "The decryption password is invalid."
    rm -f ~/42.plain
    rm -f ~/42.enc

I just created a text file called 42.plain and encode/decode it with AES whenever I type 42 in the shell. That's it, there are some validations for the validity of the password because I wouldn't want everything deleted on a typo.

What can it do

Well, nothing really. It just encrypts a text file. But in the end, do you need anything more?